Change Culture With A Color


If you ended up here, you are probably wanting to know what Yellow Reformation is all about…

My name is Dawn Verhey, and I design and make the YELLOW things. It all started with a cuff that I saw my best friend wearing a few years back. I got inspired to learn how to make my own designs that would somehow reach beyond just “cool”, and become a vehicle to carry the glory of God. Whether it is in the truth of a single word- on a cuff or other piece, or in the beauty of a simply designed wedding, my desire is that YELLOW would bring the color of God into our mundane. Everything YELLOW does will be flavored with His presence and excellence, while connecting creativity to truth.

“Why YELLOW?”, you might ask. When I think of the color YELLOW, I feel warmth, I see light, I hear a sound like a trumpet. It makes me think of joy, vibrance, hope, freedom. In essence, the glory of God’s presence, who is all these things…

I have a dream that YELLOW could become part of a movement that impacts culture. That’s where the reformation part comes in. The world is full of “cool” stuff that doesn’t really mean anything, and clever things that won’t really take us anywhere. Our culture needs reformation…and one of it’s colors is YELLOW.

Being a part of expressing God’s glory through creativity has changed me. It has moved me. My dream is that others can also get caught up in the movement. Whether it is a piece of jewelry that we wear, wall art, or a tee shirt, we all have the power to affect the atmosphere around us. To remember truth and embrace true beauty. YELLOW Reformation is about changing the flavor of our culture, one heart at a time.

About my style: I am inspired by pretty much any raw medium. I love and crave simplicity. Truth is simple, while religion complicates. My designs will often incorporate a raw medium [wood, leather, paper, metal], with elements of color. Our rawness is beautiful to God and I want my creativity to capture that beauty.

From my bestie’s initial cuff inspirations, YELLOW has expanded to all types of wears + home decor + staging + interior design + intimate weddings and parties. Contact me to bring a little YELLOW into your atmosphere…you can also shop my makes at

P.S. I am also a singer/songwriter. Here are some links to check me out:

Dawn Verhey


or send me a message @


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